We offer a nursery for infants and toddlers from newborn to age 2 during education hour and all worship services.
Children ages 3-7 are welcome to join our Sunday School program, which starts at 9:45 am each Sunday before our morning service. Our program leads children in worship through Christian songs and teaching Bible stories.
For children ages 8-18, we offer various age-appropriate Catechism classes. These groups are instructed in the doctrines of our church which are based upon Scripture and summarized in our creeds. The classes involve memorization and study of Bible passages and lessons based on our Heidelberg Catechism.
For adults we offer a class where God’s Word is studied and Christian fellowship is shared.
All Sunday School Classes go from September through May. (No Sunday School during summer months.)
After Sunday school, we worship together starting at 11 am. Our evening worship service starts at 6 pm. When you enter the sanctuary, you will be handed a bulletin which contains an outline of the order of worship. This will assist you in participating in the worship of our God with us.
When coming to worship, you can expect to see a variety of clothing styles from jeans to suits. We gladly welcome you in whatever clothes God has given you to wear! God is most concerned with how our hearts are dressed. We come to engage in the heart-worship with a holy and soul-satisfying God and if we clothe ourselves in humility, then we will be well-dressed to meet with God.
Our general worship theme is “To God alone be glory,” which for us is the most important part in our response to God. Our services therefore center around the preaching of God’s Word. Other elements of worship that are included are: singing of Psalms and hymns, corporate confession, prayer, offerings and a celebration of the sacraments. During our time of worship, we use the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible and we sing from the Psalter Hymnal as well as from our own collection of modern and historic songs.
After our morning service you are invited to join us for coffee, tea or juice. Church is primarily about God and worship, but it’s also about community and friendship so we would love to get to know you better.